Dr. Rob Garcia, The Warrior Strategist

Dr. Rob Garcia, The Warrior Strategist
Powerful Life and Business Strategies

Thursday, December 29, 2016

How I Achieved 500 Percent Productivity and How You Can Too...............

Before you read this EPIC story, do me a favor. Please enter your email to the right to subscribe. I have FREE E-books, infographics, and a TON of great goodies I give away. I'd love to share these with you periodically. Thanks!! - Dr. Rob 

If you are reading this, you are CLEARLY a new friend. I have 26 subscribers as I write this. That will change today (Dec 29). The Tipping Point has been achieved. But that's another story.

To set the stage, I have been on a two week spree of INSANE growth. I have been waking up after sleeping for four hours and doing 12-15 hour days like nothing. Its pretty exciting when you see the results of 12 years of work finally. So sleeping four hours and waking up at 1230am to do this is not really unusual. The results WERE and that's why you are here.

The Situation:
I am an expert in speed learning/productivity. In order to gain proof of concept with my tribe, I wanted to conduct an experiment that would show people what habits multiply productivity and which ones MURDER it. Hence, the "Dr. Rob Hell Day Challenge."

The Rules:
Wake up naturally and complete a 16 task checklist by 6pm. The tasks are to be completed within an hour each and the entire thing has been designed for the following ratio:

76% tasks that create a PS (possible sale)
24% tasks that create E (exposure for my performance coaching, current 2 week business boot camp and my magazine SHIFT Advanced Life Design) SHIFT Magazine SuperCoach Issue Link

I decided to throw in a few challenges as well to see how they would add fun. You know, easy stuff like write an E-book from scratch, design it, and create the landing page and start selling it......DURING THE TRIAL. Throw in 2 free coaching calls I offered in the middle and it got interesting.
Checklist or "Why I don't have a girlfriend"

The Experience
My eyes pop awake at 12:30 am. DAMN. I have to follow through. I swing out of bed and take a cold shower. Remember when the cops sprayed down Rambo with that ice cold firehose water and he beat up 6 of them, fought off a 200 man National Guard Unit single-handedly and blew up a town? Ice cold water generates testosterone and puts your body in survival mode. For those new friends reading this, I take cold showers 7 days a week. 
Bad Idea

0130 - Sit down in front of computer. First post to Facebook. First task due at 0300. Stark Industries shirt selected because I AM TONY STARK. Minus the models, sports cars, mansion, self esteem, a mother's love etc..........
Oh You Poor Ignorant Bastard

0230 - This is AWESOME, coffee is kicking in and I'm going to KICK ASS. AMERICA!!!!

0400 - First video up. How to Balance a 9-5 and Your Side Hustle Plus Freebie 

0600 - I am blacking out and typing much slower. By this time I have written two posts, and made a custom video for a biz group. Still on task.

0630-0700 - Cheat nap. I sleep like I just ate a bowl of Valium flavored applesauce.

0900 - So delirious that I mix up days in my private Facebook group, First 30 ELITE. No one notices. I have stepped into a warp of the space time continuum and honestly think its a different day.

1100 - Going strong, tasks done on time. Fascinated with friends on FB that can devote 4 hours a day to arguing about Trump, pit bulls, Monsanto, things that they have no control of. 

1330 - First coaching call. Runs a little long, I am 1.5 hours ahead in my tasks so I allow it. Client tells me she got four sales the day after a strategy call. I am VERY happy. 

1500 - Have now made two videos, a blog post, several targeted FB posts and given away 3 freebies.

1600 - Power nap. Have a scary dream about cars driving backwards.

1630 - Second call. Start thinking about E-book concept while talking to client with AMAZING story.

1700 - Still working on E-book. Slightly behind schedule. Choose a pic for cover that will INFURIATE my graphic designer friends who let me know I have the design skills of a person fighting severe drug issues and possible Parkinson's. I start to tremble knowing I HAVE TO DESIGN THE DAMN LANDING PAGE, link to E-junkie and then do connection tests to make sure its working.

1730 - Third video created and posted. "Diagramming for Business" 

1800 - Time is up. Not finished, I'm going to ride this out. My clients deserve a coach that never effiin quits. 

1930 - Post E-book to Facebook and private group with a cryptic message telling them to expect a GREAT story in the morning.

The Results:

26 Possible Sale Events from Postings 

8 Exposure Events from Postings

Made posts in SIXTEEN Facebook groups

2 content videos created on the spot and posted

1 blog post created on the spot and posted

2 coaching calls completed

1 Productivity based E-book written, designed, and published to landing page PLUS delivery system completed 

Nikki Scroggins did NOT make this cover and I'm sure she will hate it. Sorry.
Ill never stop being a fancy girl with my covers.  

5 freebies given away

BONUS: Creation of an awesome Excel sheet that lets you type in your desired annual income and 
automatically breaks it into monthly, weekly, and daily totals so you can set your sales goals (available on yesterday's blog post if you want it)

BONUS: Creation of a ten point business diagnostic checklist that is ALREADY changing the game for my clients

BONUS: Created reference sheet of Facebook groups in niche, number of members

Lessons Learned: 

1. Checklist with TIMED taskers is essential and creates sense of urgency.

2. Prepare checklist the NIGHT before.

3. First ten minutes awake, walk around and think. Then take notes and adjust checklist.

4. Stricter time requirements are needed for client calls, overlap affects progress on harder tasks

5. Mitigating dead end Messenger convos is CRUCIAL. No I don't want to hear about your cat, Random Friend that has a lot spare time.

6. Action based results helped out a lot. Thinking about the WHY was huge. Thanks Simon Sinek.

7. If one easy task was done early, start tough task early.

8. Posting a premade video saves a TON of time.

9. E-book plus landing page took 2.5 hours.

10. Phone is biggest distractor with texts and noises, keep upside down, vibrate off to get things done.

Final Thoughts

Thanks for reading this, this was one of the best experiences I have ever had. I love teaching people how to be more efficient. Despite my efforts to get some rest today (Thursday, Dec 29th), I got up at 4am and completed THIS:

3 stage business diagnostic used to create exposure and maximum profits

The outline for this blog

My three tier system for categorizing what tier a business is operating in

The formula for strong business health

Tasker list for today 4/15 complete plus 4 calls

Results of self diagnostic of my business

I'm still amazed I failed out of high school and two colleges. 

Thank you so much for your time. If you liked this article, subscribe. 

If you want to work with me, I can be reached here: Dr. Rob Garcia, Facebook or email: dragonsgold76@gmail.com

If you want the most powerful E-book I have ever written about supercharged productivity, (I think I proved the concept lol) you can get SAVAGE results here: SAVAGE Results Page

Till next time!!

Dr. Rob

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Five FREE Tools Every Entrepreneur Needs to Get Ahead

Hey there!! Want to be notified when I am posting AMAZING business/life articles or giving away tickets to see Michael Mcdonald? Well, I can promise ONE of those things. Subscribe on the right to receive the Blue Dragon Blog twice a week!!! WOOOO!

Today's blog post is exciting. I gathered a lot of resources from my own business practice and am going to hook you up with the ESSENTIAL tools for working at a much higher level. I'll explain what each one does, its rationale and how to best use it. I'm excited for you because once you start using these things, you will see a HUGE change within a week. My results have been unbelievable since assembling these items. How unbelievable?

1. Income and Reverse Breakdown Generator

Description: The IRBG is a great tool for comparing your desired income vs sales performance. You just write down your sales goal for the year and it helps you break down to month, week, and day goals. VERY useful for lighting the fire on slow income days. 

Rationale: The IRBG is more than just creating an income goal, which is a bare minimum requirement for serious entrepreneurs. Its a way to tell EXACTLY how much money you should be earning every day to reach your goals

What's that you say? "Dr. Rob, I don't have an IRBG and I'm getting carpal tunnel from using the calculator obsessively to run these numbers."

I did something REALLY nice for you. Something so nice you should buy me coffee today. 

Type in your desired yearly goal and BOOM!! All done. 

2. List of Prospects

Description: Your list of prospects are people that have emailed or private messaged you on social media about your services. This list is VITAL because you can start building the rapport even if they are not in a position to buy immediately. A loyal customer will turn back to you when they are ready to purchase if you build a strong enough bond. 

Rationale: Your LOP can be a GREAT strategy if you have to meet a last minute sales goal. Check in with them and see if you can close a sale by offering a small discount or freebie if they didnt purchase initially.

3. Current Projects

Description: A current projects display is a figure that shows all active projects, timeline, and next logical step towards completion.

Rationale: Your current projects display will keep you reminded about deadlines and the next step can help you when deciding on daily taskers. This is best done on a dry erase board.

4. Media and Speaking Schedule

Description: This is a VITAL tool for keeping track of your PR appointments.

Rationale: Your media and speaking schedule keep you in the spotlight increasing your visibility and earning you potential new paying clients EVERY appearance. Here is one example of how to create one: 

5. Daily Schedule

Description: Your daily schedule is used to both delegate taskers and to keep track of social media posts. 

Rationale: The schedule helps you to remember what groups you need to post in, keeps you balanced, and gives you an easy to use template for posts. It can also be used to compile influencers that you can partner up with. 


So there you have it. Five tools that can help you get organized, keep track of your sales goals, locate your prospects, and more. If you need a SERIOUS boost to creating an organized system, I offer strategy calls that have a valuable multi tiered approach:

1. 20 minute free pre-qualifying call to make sure I'm the best candidate for you before you pay
2. A custom 10 point business diagnostic that alerts you to weak areas in your business
3. My new E-Book The Next Level which has 16 ways to speed learn ANYTHING plus 5 celeb interviews
4. A one month power strategy for your business augmenting your areas for improvement
5. Assistance designing YOUR custom daily scheduler. 

All this with your one hour call. Email me at dragonsgold76@gmail.com to set up your FREE 20 minute pre-qualifying call. - Dr. Rob 

Monday, December 26, 2016

How to NOT Get Ripped Off When Buying Life Coaching

Sign up on the right to receive these amazing blog posts. I shall then sell your emails to a murky Eastern European conglomerate -------bwahahahahaha (rubbing fingers together) No, just kidding, Ill just show you how to be successful and wildly amazing.

Life coaching can be a great investment. The industry itself has grown by huge numbers in the last decade as popular top tier coaches inspire with their lifestyles and wealth. But there is a downside. Due to low barriers of entry, a very small percentage of low impact frauds have infiltrated the industry and are causing harm to the very perception of everyone that is a life or performance coach .

This post isnt to call anyone out .I'm too classy for that, and lawsuits are expensive. I'm going to do THREE things.

1. Reveal the shady shit that is going on so you can educate yourself before losing thousands.

2. Give you a five point diagnostic system for coach evaluation.

3. Make you an offer that will AMAZE you with its awesomeness (no, its not a free puppy).

Popular Scams

Coaching essentially comes in two forms:

1. You hire someone to teach you how to BE a coach

2. You hire someone to teach you a skill

Here are some of the ways that the frauds are stealing your money:

1. Lie and Bail - Coach posts in Facebook groups about how much money they are making and how great their lifestyle is. Client signs up. Coach immediately blocks them after payment, refuses refund and moves to next mark. (The SAME person has ripped off 7 of my friends this way)

2. Bait and Switch - Coach promises  how they can give YOU a luxury lifestyle, financial freedom, blah blah blah. When you sign up for their membership site, the content is written at a 7th grade level with very general advice that doesn't help you do a damn thing. Refunds are purposely VERY difficult to achieve.

3. Pay to Play - "Guru" pays a high visibility business podcast's "Make Me Famous" fee. Lies about earnings and continues to coach despite hundreds of consumer complaints about poor quality of content.

4. Empty Promises - Coach promises specific results and has either NO experience in field or NO techniques to help client grow their business. When threatened with refund, coach pulls their head out of their ass and promises to return calls on time, pay attention to client or you know, EARN THEIR FEE. This one pisses me off the most because its very common today.

Now that you have seen what is going on out there, you realize how important it is to SCREEN anyone before investing your hard earned money into them. You wouldn't buy a car without a test drive, checking price against Blue Book prices, and asking friends about what they think, right? RIGHT?

So why in the hell are you plunking down money because of what some coach TELLS you? That's like walking on the car lot and buying the FIRST car the dealer suggests.

Does that sound smart to you?

5 Point Diagnostic Before Hiring a Coach:

1. Google the coach to see what pops up. Combine their name and "scam". This will at least let you see if there are complaints, FTC actions, possible criminal background etc.

2. Find someone that has hired them and HAVE A CONVERSATION WITH THEM. Ask about the experience, any negatives and their overall results from working with the coach. Testimonials can and WILL be faked by the duplicitous.

3. If you are purchasing training, do they have content you can review? There is NOTHING worse than dropping 4k and finding out this person lifted everything from Jack Canfield.

4. Do they have credibility like news appearances, contributions in their field, appearance on a variety of media?

5. Do they ask questions about YOUR goals during discovery calls, or do they just try and get a sale as quickly as possible?

Amazing and Awesome Offer

You read this post because you are interested in coaching. You clearly want someone that can help you be more successful or guide you to life success.

I can absolutely get you there.

I'm a high school dropout from a bad family thats now an Ed.D, keynote speaker, 8 time author, and magazine owner.

Google Blue Dragon Rob Garcia.

That's the level of exposure I can help someone gain. My network is formidable and helps me to develop HIGH level strategies to make you more money, get more sales, and be better at ANYTHING.

I give a FREE discovery call to make sure that I'm the right guy for the job. Then we discuss what strategies are best for your goals. No money is ever exchanged until I have a plan mapped out with timelines, milestones and appropriate tactics.

In ten years of coaching I have never been asked for a refund. I'm very proud of that because it means my clients have purchased VALUE.

So if you are ready to move forward in 2017 with some AMAZING programs and training, find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bluedragonrob/

or email: dragonsgold76@gmail.com

If you arent ready to invest just yet, I ALWAYS offer free general advice. You deserve abundance, we all do. Contact me if I can help you with anything in business or life.

Dr. Rob

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Why Being Nice is the New MBA

I had a huge shift in my business a few months ago. It wasn’t anything difficult or groundbreaking. In fact, it was rather easy and started yielding HUGE results. My friends on Facebook noticed immediately.

“Are you on Prozac?”

“I don’t know what you are doing but keep it up”

“This is who you always should have been”

All I did was get a “Degree in Nice.”

Taking a cue from a few friends, I modified behaviors and focused on helping others.

*I stopped venting on Facebook

*I stopped posting divisive things that isolate people into groups. No more memes about pit bulls, gun control, politics, Monsanto, religion, or gay rights.

*Started showcasing my friends and recommending them to people that would hire them

*Reduced my online profanity by 95%

People that hadn’t contacted me in YEARS started quietly sending messages supporting this new me. Business owners started recommending me to clients. I got invited to podcasts and FB business groups.

We have forgotten the fundamental qualities of being nice and selfless. It took three people to bring me back. I want to publicly thank them. They pulled me back from a dark precipice and let the real Dr. Rob out. The guy that smiles at people during his morning run. The guy that pets cats and waves at kids. The guy that sees someone struggling to lift something into their car and helps them. That’s the guy I like being.

Lewis Howes is the host of the School of Greatness podcast. He is a bestselling author and makes his living helping people and connecting them. When he is not interviewing celebrities, he gets involved in companies like Pencils of Promise and travels to places like Ghana to help build schools for impoverished children. He is the epitome of nice and the kind of guy that you want as a friend.

Dennis Langlais is the host of Five Minute Bark, a video podcast in La Jolla, California. He is a former professional BMX rider turned media giant and gives hundreds of hours a year helping to promote others. He uses his high aptitude video skills to help other people reach their dreams and is a top level connector. The great thing about Dennis is that he will IMMEDIATELY help you and never ask for payment, he just does it to see you succeed. He is the epitome of selfless and I am grateful for meeting him. You can find him at www.codiedog.com.

Steve Simeone is a comedian that has been referred to as “The Nicest Guy in Hollywood.” I have met Steve three times in person and this is definitely an understatement. Steve is generous, has traveled overseas to entertain the troops. raises blood for hospitals and reaches out to sick children. Steve GENUINELY loves everyone in his life and his podcast, “Good Times With Steve Simeone” takes you back to the good memories of childhood, funny relatives, and the dynamics of hilarious family interaction. I cannot recommend it enough. You can find Steve at www.awesomesteve.com.

In closing, I just wanted to say thank you guys for teaching me far more about succeeding in business than I learned from a graduate degree. Being nice is already paying huge rewards and I can’t thank you three enough.


Thursday, April 21, 2016

3 GREAT Things We Can Learn From Prince

We lost an icon today. Prince was one of the most talented and versatile performers in musical history. He was literally at the level of Madonna, Springsteen or Michael Jackson.

If you tried to explain Prince to someone in 1984, it was just, well..................different.

"Yeah, he's a short black man dressed in white ruffled pirate shirts, a purple crushed velvet jacket and high heeled boots riding a purple motorcycle around Minneapolis.............and playing rock."

The universal appeal of Prince was that he represented all of us that felt alienated by society. Purple Rain hit SUCH a chord with most people because it was about his struggle as a musician while enduring an abusive family situation and resistance from everyone around him.

As his fame grew, he changed his look, he evolved, but he was still in essence, the same guy we all loved and adored. A musical genius that never got too arrogant, that still LOVED performing and reaching out to fans.

Here are three things I LOVED about Prince.

1. He Walked His Own Path

Prince never let the opinions of others sway what he was going to do. He set out to write sexy, intriguing music that captivated people. He took huge risks including changing his name and leaving a major record label. He never doubted himself because he realized a fundamental truth. His true fans would follow him NO MATTER WHAT. The critics would complain as usual, and Prince would just ride his motorcycle up Sunset laughing in the wind. 

2. He EMBRACED His Creativity

Prince experimented with many musical sounds. "Let's Go Crazy" sounds VERY different from "7."
Prince wasn't scared to write songs about deep intense love and passion and ballads then turn around and write something SHOCKING like "P Control" or a party jam like "1999."

3. He Kept His Humility

I have to be really honest. I never met Prince. But I heard plenty of stories. He would embrace his Jehovah's Witness roots and go door knocking to try and save others. He would show up in a dimly lit club unannounced in Hollywood and play for hours. He would have meaningful and deep conversations with fans. He kept it together and despite being larger than life, never became arrogant or brash. 

I loved Prince. I always will. Because he's a part of all of us. We will always have Purple Rain, his amazing albums and some very odd posters. We should all try and emulate him by being bold, by taking chances and going out of our way to be..................... abundant.

Thanks guys, do me a favor and share this post if you love Prince. Let's keep his memory alive.

Dr. Rob. 

Monday, April 4, 2016

*Bullying* A Tribute to Evan Ziemniak. Warning: Language Alert

I read tonight about a story that broke my heart. 12 year old Evan Ziemniak hung himself after months of bullying. His family reported these incidents and school officials did little to nothing to deter it.

I see a lot of myself in this young man. I was subject to years of bullying and a lot more harassment than most kids are subject to. I wanted to take my own life in 9th grade often because EVERY. SINGLE. DAY there was a group of people waiting to make fun of me or treat me like garbage.

I had a rough family. I didn't have a lot of money growing up. 90% of my family members were drug addicts or alcoholics. It wasn't a fun time.

I wish I could talk to Evan, to tell him that it gets better. I wish I could give him a hug and reassure him that one day, he's going to grow up and lift weights and no one will DARE harass him. That he would go to college and those assholes, those cowards will get what they deserve, because LIFE catches up to people. 

I grew up. I lifted weights. I took martial arts. I became a teacher and I protected my kids. When I saw bullying in my class, Mr Garcia would have a very direct and very unpleasant convo, explaining in great detail what a weekend surprise home visit would be like.

I wrote a teen book called Teen Juggernaut and included a chapter on bullying and how to deal with it. I made it free online here: http://www.bluedragonent.com/books.html

But its not enough. Because this shit still is happening. 

Evan, you were a great kid. You were probably just like me, quiet, polite, and didn't want to bother anyone, just finish school with some awkwardness and see what the future held. I read that you liked 
collecting coins and you had pet rabbits and cats. 

But that's what bullies do. They find quiet kids that cant defend themselves. They act in a revolting and cowardly fashion. I would give anything ANYTHING to catch someone doing this to you. To catch them harassing you on the bus. I wish I could have been your big brother Evan. Because you had a big heart. You had a lot of spirit. I'm writing this with tears in my eyes, because you were so close to my own life. I'm sorry for your pain, I'm sorry that there are bad people out there. 

And I'm sorry that you suffered alone. But you'll never be truly gone. We will remember you. And Amanda Todd. And every teen that decided they couldn't take the pain anymore. 

I'll keep speaking in schools, Ill keep writing and Ill keep mentoring. I'll do it for kids out there, just like you. That need my help. Your story really moved me. And I hope you're at peace. 


Sunday, February 28, 2016

4 Tactics That GREATLY Improved My Company

*Don't Forget to Enter Your Email For a Chance to Win Donald Trump's Toupee--->

It's the ceiling that gets me. Every time. 

I take a nap around 2pm every day. Since I usually wake up at 3-430am daily, I need a mid day power nap to recharge. When I wake up, this is what I see:

I smile every time. You know why? Because the same three thoughts enter my head:

1. Rob, you live in a cool apartment in a great part of town. No more wolf cot, no more dark studio.

2. You are done with your Ed.D, DOCTOR. 

3. You are your own boss. 

Seriously, for 7 years, I lived in a tiny studio. From age 30-37. I BARELY remember any of it because it was doctoral research, reserves, day job, sleep on wolf cot, repeat. 
"Do not envy my decadence"

Once I moved, I started developing business tactics that DRASTICALLY improved my life coaching company and helped me to evolve. I'd like to share my best four to help you in your journey. 

1. Learn to court influencers and offer a 3:1 value ratio

An influencer is someone that can create serious waves for you. They either have a major media platform, thousands of social media contacts, are well known in business, or have some type of high value "hook." Reach out to them and offer to promote them, ask for mentorship, or have an offer of value. Remember, they DO NOT need you, so be interesting and focus on the giving, not the taking, Greedo.
"Not so fast, Solo, Jabba wants ALL your Facebook friends"

2. Celebrate Your Friends/A Rising Tide Lifts All Ships

If you are lucky enough to have an inner circle as I do, focus on THEM first. Every week, I try and do something that directly helps my team. I pay attention if they are having a bad day and I write them internal memos that remind them how awesome they are. In return, they promote our group project, reach out to me, recommend people to me for business, and we all share the wealth as our businesses grow. 

3. Develop Resources

There are SO many tools out there that can shave off HOURS off your schedule. Hootsuite lets you auto-post to your social media. Canva helps you create graphic design related material. Skype can help you coach clients even overseas. Youtube, Blogger and Lulu help you create material so that you can sell content online. Get in the habit of exploring and cataloging whats out there. The more resources you can offer clients, the better you look. 

4. Develop a Fitness/Nutrition Plan

This one is crucial. Fitness will help you have better moods, raise your self esteem and give you a better quality of life. If you exercise a few times a week, cut down on flour and processed foods while eating more veggies and proteins, you will see HUGE changes. Take it to another level and start intermittent fasting (only eating 8 hours in a day) and REALLY see drastic change. 

That about wraps it up for this week, guys, have a great week and get hustling.


Saturday, February 6, 2016

Reverse Engineering Failure and Turning it Into Success

(look to the right, that's where you can subscribe and join the hundreds of people that are ROCKETING to success)

We have all been there as entrepreneurs. That "OMG, my fears are TAKING OVER MY MIND" moment. 

"OMG, My guidance counselor was right"

It's perfectly normal. We all hit that point where the stupid ass comments from friends and family get in our head:

"Why don't you just get a 9 to 5?"

"You do WHAT?"

"That's ok for a hobby, I guess"

I hit this moment two weeks ago. I had several projects that were coming up, I had a LONG string of failed launches to draw from and I seriously considered just searching for a job and quitting my dreams of being a top life coach in San Diego. 

Here is how I kicked that shit right in the face. I went to Starbucks and wrote down my top five fears. The exact mental scripts that were causing anxiety. Then I wrote down what the scenario ACTUALLY looks like. I'll share the results at the bottom of this post. 


1. My new book, The Next Level: Supercharged, will flop BADLY. 

Rationale of Fear: My last 7 books had low sales, barely any media, and are self published. I am on a failure train headed to homelessville. 

Reverse Engineering to Success: My teen book, Teen Juggernaut GOT ME ON THE NEWS. My original version of the Next Level helped a guy learn Mandarin Chinese, who went on to hire me for a year. My book Charter X has helped me CRUSH when pitching schools. Just because they aren't well known books doesn't mean that clients don't LOVE them. Great writer/bad marketer. I can live with that.

2. My online digital product store, Genius Lab, will tank. 

Rationale of Fear: After being laid off from my day job, I spent WEEKS creating well designed PDFs teaching everything from weight loss to speed learning. I hired professional  graphic designers to make them and set up an automated system for payment. Zero sales. Not one. 

Reverse Engineering to Success: How many Facebook ads have you run? Zero. How many times have you promoted Genius Lab when speaking? None. How many mass email campaigns have you run in support of it? None. They cant buy if they don't see it

3. There isn't much interest in Blue Dragon.

Rationale of Fear: My company has been around for ten years. We have yet to have a high profit year. Its not a good company, I should see if Wendy's is hiring because I suck as a life coach. 

Reverse Engineering to Success: Since being on my own with no day job (3 months), I have been on radio four times, have been on two podcasts, and have had 4 speaking engagements, I wrote a book, created a magazine in just over a month with 10 writers around the country, released a clothing line, signed up for affiliate marketing, and redid both my website and blog. I am having days of 200% productivity and my clients are amazed at what I am teaching them. 

4. Schools don't care about my educational consulting services.

Rationale of Fear: No schools return my voicemails, faculty is always in meetings, and I cant just show up at a school site. Its impossible to make money as an ed consultant. 

Reverse Engineering to Success: I wrote down the results of the last seven schools that I dealt with, 

School 1 had me speak 3 times and brief staff, plus hired me for a student Pre ASVAB prep
School 2 booked me for three gigs this summer
School 3 brought me in for two lectures
School 4 had me give 2 seminars
School 5 immediately wanted a follow up and a possible permanent consultant job
School 6 had me give a seminar
School 7 offered me a partner radio gig, MY OWN SATELLITE SCHOOL and free marketing


5. My online magazine for life coaches, SHIFT, will go nowhere. 

Rationale of Fear: Just like all my projects, SHIFT is a stupid idea and will get possibly 10 readers. (friends and sympathetic family members)

Reverse Engineering to Success: Um, don't you have the support of one of the top podcasters in the COUNTRY helping you? (Can't mention him but he's known for lighting a FIRE). You have a potential audience of vets, coaches, and business owners, PLUS THIS HAS NEVER BEEN DONE> Its going to be AWESOME!!! 

So there you have it, A DEADLY effective method of assuaging your fears and building up your self confidence. Oh, and I promised you results:

1. By changing my school strategy, I connected with three huge influencers and got follow up meetings that strongly look like future contracts.

2. By using my books as promotional items, I had three speaking engagements, THIS WEEK ALONE.

3. The magazine is getting very close to being done. It will change the game for life coaching resources. 

Still having trouble building your confidence? I am now offering image and confidence calls that can help you realize your true inner strength. 

30% off this weekend only. - Dr. Rob

Friday, January 22, 2016

4 Reasons Why Common Core is Worse Than ISIS

Welcome readers! Do me a quick favor and subscribe on the right. Do it for America. 

Q. What’s the difference between Common Core and ISIS?

A. One is a destructive ideology created by fundamentalist zealots that want to destroy the foundation of America.

The other is a terrorist group in the Middle East.

I have tried to be really objective about Common Core. I have read both sides of the argument, watched videos with both positive and negative slants, and have even bought Common Core workbooks so that I could see it used firsthand.

 My determination remains the same:

Common Core is an utterly worthless educational platform that will create a domino effect of failure in America’s schools.

 I am not some crackpot that thinks he’s the next Arne Duncan because he saw an education report on Fox News. I am a former high school teacher that ran an Academy of Engineering and taught business classes at the college level. I have a Doctorate in Education and have written 7 books on advanced life development.

More importantly, my 9th grade report card was straight Ds and Fs. I failed out of high school in 12th grade. I can honestly say that if we had Common Core, I would have easily failed in 7th grade instead.

  I would probably be washing dishes in a bowling alley today, having never launched        my own company, appearing on TV, radio, and podcasts, and starting my own magazine.        Common Core is marvelously effective at getting students and parents to hate learning.

 Without further ado, here is my take on why Common Core is a far bigger threat to            America than the largest purchaser of white Toyotas in Syria known as ISIS.

 1. We have a plan to neutralize ISIS, but not for Common Core

Despite what most political pundits will tell you, our armed forces have taken massive steps in eliminating the ISIS threat. Our Green Berets are training indigenous forces to rise up against terrorism, the CIA is conducting joint air strikes against ISIS controlled strongholds, and Intel specialists from all branches of service are constantly tracking the movement of ISIS forces.

We are actively pursuing military options to rid the world of the existence of ISIS forever. 

Common Core has no plan in site for its pending elimination. 

Textbook and educational software companies continue to get rich off of our schools mandatory and expensive implementation. Administrators continue to tout it as an amazing gateway to “expansive and critical thought.” The Dept of Education refuses to admit that possibly, JUST POSSIBLY, it could be the biggest failure in educational policy since the infamous No Child Left Behind. Remember that bag of crap? The infamous promise that by 2014, ALL students would test “proficient” in math and English?

Well it didn’t quite go that way. An article from the NPR website sums it up best: “According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress, the "Nation's Report Card," "proficiency" rates last year were below 50 percent for every racial and ethnic group, in both reading and math, in both 4th and 8th grade. The exceptions? Asians, in all subjects (51-64 percent) and whites in 4th grade math only (54 percent).”

That’s a lot of kids left behind. Well, unless you’re Asian, but I’m not going there. People are a bit sensitive these days, even when you say they are good at math.

Since no one is stepping up and saying, “COMMON CORE IS GARBAGE AND I AM NOT STANDING FOR IT” I will. I have started a petition to have the Obama Adminstration repeal it. This is how progress is made. I have YET to talk to one parent, student, or teacher that supports this plan. It is 100 percent hated across the board.

You can sign it here.

 2. Isis has a minimal impact on America, Common Core will have a HUGE impact on America

In the last 10 years, domestic terrorism has claimed roughly 71 lives. 71. That’s a horrible loss of life, but in comparison, lightning kills 47 people every year. Compare that with Common Core which has infiltrated 40 states like cancer with its indecipherable problems, crying children that can’t understand why the hell 3x5 = 15 is now wrong, and parents that are already at the end of their patience.

Common Core left unchecked, will add to our embarrassingly high dropout rate, increase the academic divide for minorities and females, AND CREATE FOUR TIMES AS MUCH WORK FOR STUDENTS.

Think I am joking? Watch this video. It’s infuriating.

You wonder why high school students despise school? This is a great reason why.

 3. ISIS opposes higher education for females. Common Core DECIMATES the value of higher education for females

One thing that ISIS really hates is females going to school. They go out of their way to make sure that women are strongly dissuaded from attending institutions of higher learning through intimidation, scare tactics, or strongly written letters.

Common Core takes it one step further by TRAINING FEMALES HOW TO HAVE A MISMATCHED AND WORTHLESS EDUCATION. Before Gloria Allred calls again, here is what I mean. The stats for women pursuing degrees in STEM fields are hardly encouraging. This graphic from the Washington Post shows that over a 10 year span, the rate of completion for women in STEM degree programs dropped across EVERY field. the notorious 80/20 divide for Engineering degrees still lingers as well.

How does Common Core factor into this information? With its implementation, MORE girls will be dissuaded from taking math based courses. This in turn diverts them into lesser paying, menial careers that hinder them from reaching their full potential.

Women are already choosing fields that pay less than men, complete more Master’s degrees overall, but outside of Nursing, do not nearly go into as many math based careers. Consider this data from www.collegeatlas.org.

Most Popular Bachelor’s Degrees for Men

Total number of Bachelor’s Degrees earned by Men (2011-’12): 685,381

# of Degrees

% of Total

Business Administration and Management






Biology/Biological Sciences



Political Science and Government















Mechanical Engineering



Marketing/Marketing Management



Most Popular Bachelor’s Degrees for Women

Total number of Bachelor’s Degrees earned by Women (2011-’12): 915,986

# of Degrees

% of Total




Business Administration and Management



Nursing (RN,ASN,BSN,MSN)



Elementary Education and Teaching



Biology/Biological Sciences



English Language and Literature






Communication Studies/Speech Communication






Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies



You can clearly see that women choose to pursue education in fields that are more “social” in nature. Men choose fields that are more analytical. From a qualitative standpoint, I personally witnessed this as a 9th grade Engineering teacher. The girls didn’t find Engineering fun because:

  1. They thought it was “nerdy.”
  2. They didn’t know any young female engineers.
  3. Their fathers didn’t want them to go to college, they wanted them to get married and have kids by 19. (I’m dead serious on this one. It was heart breaking.)
  4. They thought the math would be too hard and they were intimidated.

Now I want to share something that the dean of a college told me that hit me harder than an elbow from Macho Man Randy Savage.

Common Core is not used in college math.

Common Core is used in middle school and high school math


What the heck happens when Common Core trained female students that gutted out their math classes get to college and EVERY METHOD THEY LEARNED is useless in college?


 4. ISIS creates jobs for our troops. Common Core has ZERO real world relevance

Because of the emergence of ISIS and other nutcase groups, America has a strong demand for Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen and Coast Guardsmen. This in turn also creates a demand for security personnel, contractors, and intelligence specialists at the
“alphabet companies”, CIA, NSA, FBI, DOD. So in a way, every time those idiots release a beheading video, America responds by creating jobs, prosperity, and exporting what we dominate at: Freedom.

This is why they hate us. Because America is awesome. 

 Common Core has absolutely zero real world relevance. This alone should TERRIFY every person in America. There is NOT ONE RECORDED INSTANCE where someone has used Common Core in any natural work based scenario. There is ZERO need to further diagram and expand number theory. There is NO JOB in which you figure out how to estimate how many triangles fit into a rectangle. (I know there will be one mouth breather that will write and say, “Hey man, I’m a carpenter and I have to estimate carpet samples, jerk”) Awesome. Congrats on being the .0001 percent that actually can use this in a meaningful fashion.

You know how you learn carpentry estimating? BECOMING A CARPENTER AND DOING ESTIMATING. The entire high school population in America does not need to learn this.  

In summary, there are 3 very flimsy reasons that Common Core supporters use to justify its existence:

  1. It promotes school standardization across the United States.
So did state-run education in Communist Russia. I don’t think that worked out well, either. Communist Core has got to go.

  1. It teaches students deeper level of thought and deconstruction of math problems.
So can creatively written math problems that incorporate actual things that students will see in the real world (video games, Facebook, race cars, pirates, computers, movies). Why does every Common Core math problem have to read like an accounting manual from 1947?

This is a lesson plan I created in 20 minutes covering the
same material . It's fun  and interesting.
No wonder I was laid off from teaching.
This is an actual Common Core Workbook on Circle Theory.
Great if you have trouble sleeping. 

  1. Common Core prepares students for real life.
HA HA HA HA HA. Oh, you are being serious. I think I explained above that Common Core has NO relevance to a student’s future career, whether they are a CEO, lawyer, or a hot dog vendor on 42nd St.

So there you have it. My take on why Common Core is a black hole of worthless pedagogical theory. Feel free to sign the petition if you agree. If you support Common Core and want to tell me about how wonderful it is, feel free to write a long, detailed diatribe in the comments section. After I am done openly mocking you, I’ll hit that wonderful “delete” button so you cannot expose others to your silliness.

PS: I am available for hire as one of the awesomest educational consultants in the country. Hit me up at www.bluedragonent.com for details. I have these really weird ideas that learning should be fun and engaging. Crazy, huh?

Dr. Rob