Dr. Rob Garcia, The Warrior Strategist

Dr. Rob Garcia, The Warrior Strategist
Powerful Life and Business Strategies

Monday, January 14, 2019

How Influencer Marshal Gillen Took Over San Diego!!

For all entrepreneurs, visibility is what we crave to reach our highest levels of success. This is the story of how one motivated guy put himself on the map.

I have been an entrepreneur for 14 years, 3 of them full time. I see a LOT of cocky, arrogant, "fake experts" offering me the "six figure blueprint" that always seems to lead to a Clickfunnels upsell.

But one day, I caught a Facebook Live. Some guy that was in good shape with a really high amount of energy was teaching how to maximize engagement between groups and your personal feed on FB.

There was something different about this guy. He was friendly, wasn't trying to sell anything, and he genuinely CARED about his audience and helping them find success.

His name? Marshal Gillen.

Marshal was interesting. He had moved to SD from the midwest because he knew that his destiny was far greater than his environment and upbringing.

That sounds familiar.

Marshal was working in a bar but knew that he had more to offer people. So one day he went live in Facebook and elbowed his way to the front of the line digitally. That was a few years ago.

A week ago, I attended Marshal's second event. It was PACKED.

Understand something. Marshal is now ESTABLISHED> He has high level influencers like Sami Drissi and Stephen DeLa Cruz going to his events and has built a VERY sizable global audience.

So how does this happen? How does an unknown go to a completely new city and make themself famous in their industry? Here is the Warrior Strategist Breakdown:

1. Consistency - Marshal goes live OFTEN and teaches really engaging and useful content that you can implement IMMEDIATELY

2. Energy - Marshal is VERY high energy with that goofy, young guy "I still have hope" flicker in his eyes and a big smile. He's fun to watch and you can see in his body language that he LOVES what he does.

3. Approachability - Marshal moved to a huge apartment in downtown San Diego, has clients around the globe but is still that guy that will come over to your house to play video games and drink your beer (You owe me a sixer of Coors Light, Gillen)

4. High Level Branding - Marshal made himself his brand. He acts like a celebrity, has a healthy amount of humility and is a great promoter for himself and others.

If you need help getting yourself on the map, reach out to Marshal. I'm VERY glad I did. - Rob the Warrior Strategist

Marshal's FB: LINK