Dr. Rob Garcia, The Warrior Strategist

Dr. Rob Garcia, The Warrior Strategist
Powerful Life and Business Strategies

Thursday, February 28, 2019

4 VERY Powerful Media Coverage Techniques

So last night I may have lost it a little.

I was having a salacious night of guzzling fancy boxed wine and did a Facebook Live that went WAY past free content level.

I went into paid client level. A cardinal sin in my industry. Because my content is categorized in four tiers.

And DAMNED if I didnt go into Gold Tier.

So you lucked out. You learn the things I teach paying clients. The ways that I secured 70+ media interviews plus some REALLY inside stuff.

Its time to realize that media has changed. Steve Olsner summed it up best:

TV - Youtube
Radio - Podcasts
Newspapers - Blogs

Adapt to the digital age and CONQUER. There are TONS of new ways to get coverage at little or NO cost.

Enjoy this info, seriously this is about $1000 worth of training, resources, and guidance.

And its yours free.


Pinkies Out, Bitches. We Fancy. 

Need MORE Warrior Strategist? More media, MORE SALES, MORE INCOME? 

Check out my Youtube Channel full of amazing business tactics and fun! 

Watch it HERE: Rob the Warrior Strategist Youtube Channel

Sunday, February 17, 2019

How to Restore Your Entrepreneurial Self Esteem

How are you?

Its the Warrior Strategist! Its been a few weeks since I have blogged. As a commitment to helping people, I am focusing on writing new content that REALLY impacts my audience.

Today Ill be talking about your self esteem.

We are a tough breed. We choose to take risks, create the life of our dreams, and endure YEARS of ridicule, judgement, and shit talking from family, spouses and peers.

It takes a toll.

"Why don't you get a day job, your little hobby isn't that profitable"

"Just quit, you aren't cut out for this"

"That's a stupid idea, no one cares"

Ever hear any of these gems? For me, its CONSTANT. Even after cutting out a lot of shitty people.

Your self esteem is important. Its how you show up. Its how you present yourself to your audience. Here is how you can build yourself up when you DON'T feel your best.

1. Eliminate negative self talk - Dont call yourself names and don't let negative phrases circulate internally. Life Coach Sara Cruz told me a really good technique. She identifies these phrases when they appear and says out loud, "Not Useful." I LOVE THIS.

Sara Cruz Facebook: LINK
if you need AMAZING marketing 
research or a life changing coach.
Sara Cruz is a freaking moon goddess. 

2. Spend more time with positive people - We all have Tiggers and Eeyors.

I only associate with Tiggers. The people that are as excited about my business as I am .
When you surround yourself with whiners and complainers, they start to seep into your soul and infect you. Dont let them.

3. Adopt a fitness routine - Fitness leads to higher self perception, better energy, more aesthetically pleasing photos and better sex. Why WOULDNT you want all this? Even if its something small like walking your dog three times a week, commit to regular exercise or gym visits and watch your self esteem rise.

Remember to take care of yourself, pay attention to how you perceive your business and your efforts. Love yourself and remember to celebrate all you have done.

Till next time - Rob the Warrior Strategist
You were put here to win. NEVER forget that.

Did you know I have a Youtube channel
devoted to business strategies, income and life mastery?