I'm Rob Garcia, a PR and Vis Strategist in San Diego.
I want to show you 2 things in this post.
1. The variables affecting your income and money attitude
2. How to change and uplevel
I promise I'm not here to sell you anything, provide a "life changing opportunity" or any of that horseshit.
I just want to help you to build a better life.
At 48, I'm pretty happy. Never married, no kids, own a magazine and my own PR firm. Money is solid and I haven't had a boss in 8 years. I'm doing better than a lot of people and I don't mean financially.
I have freedom. Time freedom, life freedom, and can afford things that I desire. I live in my dream apt in my dream city and nearly all my dreams have come true. Now Ill show you how to shape something similar if you are tired of living paycheck to paycheck.
The reason most people are broke is because their chosen career path can't keep up with inflation.
It's not rocket science.
For those of you also living in Southern California, you are in an area that pays you lower wages and charges more for EVERYTHING.
And guess what? Throw in kids, maybe an expensive divorce and that paycheck gets cut even further.
That's the bad stuff.
Now time for the good stuff.
If you are open to something new, I want you to realize three things:
1. The internet allows you to talk to over a billion people anytime you want.
2. Creating something to sell can be free.
3. Many business models are unbelievably simple and can keep generating money.
I created something like 9 income streams and combined with my 2 companies, was able to get steady cash flow coming in regularly.
Its up to you to take charge and try something that might make you uncomfortable.
When you own a business, there IS NO INCOME CAP.
I could literally go on FB, ask who wants to publish a book this year and probably get three people within 10 days that would pay me 8k to do it plus the PR. Thats 24k for about 6 months of work. (My last book took me NINE HOURS to publish so cut that down a bit. I'm kinda fast).
Point is, there are a lot of services you can offer, even with a day job, that you can grow and use to bring in income.
Membership FB group
Youtube Interview Show
Business Networking over Zoom
Online Events
Advertising on your magazine/podcast
Social Media Graphics For Sale
Know what these have in common? THEY ARE ALL FREE TO CREATE. No brick and mortar bullshit, no overhead, no costs.
100% PROFIT.
Anyone getting excited yet?
Any subscription/membership is money coming in EVERY MONTH.
Guys this isnt anything hard. I could've done this even before grad school. I just needed to know about it.
Its time to take control of your life. Be an adult. (Its weird to get this advice from a guy thats almost 50 and still reading Iron Man comic books.)
I'll be very honest with you. If you are the type that blames the government or the President for all your problems, you're ALWAYS going to be broke.
That mindset is the loser's mindset. No accountability, no sense of self, no control over your own life. Why? Because its easier to make an excuse than a result.
So ask yourself: Am I ready to be responsible and take a small chance? Or do I want to feel broke forever?
I believe in you. You have a GOOD shot at something working out. Might not be the first time, might not be the second, but I assure you, determined people win. Period.
Be a winner. Change your fucking attitude and get after your success. - Rob