I woke up today with a renewed sense of purpose. As the
sunlight beamed through my blinds in San
Diego , I reflected on what my life had become.
*An inbox of potential clients requesting proposals from me, wanting to purchase business and life strategies
*My magazine, SHIFT Advanced Life Design now has a following and readers that LOVE my articles about high level performers in all industries
*My new book on speed learning, The Next Level Supercharged racing up the Amazon rankings and people sending me pics on Facebook of them holding it and giving testimonials about the efficacy of the techniques
*Finally identifying my tribe and making amazing business relationships with CEOs, vets, NYT best selling authors and coaches around the world
*Waking up to media requests for interviews, and speaking requests from schools and colleges
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Still blown away by these opportunities. |
It wasn’t always like this.
In fact, ten years ago, you would have had a VERY hard time telling me that
In fact, ten years ago, you would have had a VERY hard time telling me that
this was possible.
I’ve always been a fighter.
Growing up in a low income household filled with drugs and crime was tough. But I endured. My grandmother and aunt took me in when they could and provided normalcy but my learning disability and lack of hope took root and I failed out of high school. Then 2 colleges.
By 19, I was sleeping on the floor, couldn’t afford meat, and had lost my job.
I joined the Air Force, finished college, and moved toSan Diego .
By 30, I was living in a tiny, dark studio, STRUGGLING with my doctoral studies. I was eating moldy tuna fish sandwiches, my relationship had ended, and my self esteem was at an all time low. I was pretty much like Bradley Cooper at the beginning of Limitless.
I’ve always been a fighter.
Growing up in a low income household filled with drugs and crime was tough. But I endured. My grandmother and aunt took me in when they could and provided normalcy but my learning disability and lack of hope took root and I failed out of high school. Then 2 colleges.
By 19, I was sleeping on the floor, couldn’t afford meat, and had lost my job.
I joined the Air Force, finished college, and moved to
By 30, I was living in a tiny, dark studio, STRUGGLING with my doctoral studies. I was eating moldy tuna fish sandwiches, my relationship had ended, and my self esteem was at an all time low. I was pretty much like Bradley Cooper at the beginning of Limitless.
I wanted to write this today to detail EXACTLY what I did to
go from one extreme to another.
Because I want YOU to have these opportunities.
You might be in a place in life wondering, “Where did it go wrong? I went to school, I raised a family, I lived with integrity, why am I SO UNFULLFILLED?”
The answer to this question is that you never discovered your purpose.
Because I want YOU to have these opportunities.
You might be in a place in life wondering, “Where did it go wrong? I went to school, I raised a family, I lived with integrity, why am I SO UNFULLFILLED?”
The answer to this question is that you never discovered your purpose.
You probably never wrote down your talents, you never
thought about the IMPACT you could make, and never created a strategic plan to
There are a ton of “experts” on your Facebook feed every day. Promising you everything under the sun using rented sports cars, dry erase boards with meaningless “lessons” and selling you overpriced, poorly written content that will leave you EVEN further behind after all is said and done.
There are a ton of “experts” on your Facebook feed every day. Promising you everything under the sun using rented sports cars, dry erase boards with meaningless “lessons” and selling you overpriced, poorly written content that will leave you EVEN further behind after all is said and done.
This is the point where your inner Magnum PI voice says, “What
are you selling, Rob?”
Anyone that knows me, knows that I give away 80% of my content. I give away apprenticeships, help mentor people, give gentle nudges in the right direction and don’t need to pitch except in limited offers.
My clients find me.
Anyone that knows me, knows that I give away 80% of my content. I give away apprenticeships, help mentor people, give gentle nudges in the right direction and don’t need to pitch except in limited offers.
My clients find me.
My audience joins my Facebook group (LINK), takes advantage of my high impact freebies (LINK) and overall has a really fun time working with me.
My message resonates with them and they want action TODAY. I don't need gimmicks, dry erase boards or to spam your email.
So here are my best practices that can help you FIND YOUR PURPOSE.
So here are my best practices that can help you FIND YOUR PURPOSE.
1. Isolate your strengths and outsource your weaknesses.
I sat down with paper and wrote down my greatest areas of achievement. I was a pretty good writer, good with people and awful at graphic design. By isolating what I was good at and what needed work, I focused on the area of highest aptitude.
For my graphic design work, I hired a pro designer. Trying to do it all WASTES TIME.
2. Develop your mindset and discipline.
Remember that you are better than your circumstances. Farrah Grey grew up in the poverty ridden projects ofChicago
and sold his first company………at age 8.
Develop your habits and constantly feed your mind by listening to business podcasts, reading articles to help you grow and learning from experts. If you need help finding REALLY good content, my ENTIRE catalog of SHIFT magazines are FREE to read here: LINK
You can learn from Navy SEALs, best selling authors, and the best coaches IN INDUSTRY for free!
3. Upgrade everything.
Challenge yourself to work at your best level. Start distancing yourself from negative friends and people that complain all the time. Hire someone to make you branded graphics and SHOWCASE YOUR EXPERTISE in something.
Read Limitless and realize that your ONLY roadblocks in life are in your mind.
Your life, your relationships, your residence, your income and your job are ALL results from your choices. So make it a habit to think about DIRECT and CONCENTRATED actions to make better choices. Sorry to get all Matrix on you but its true.
I sat down with paper and wrote down my greatest areas of achievement. I was a pretty good writer, good with people and awful at graphic design. By isolating what I was good at and what needed work, I focused on the area of highest aptitude.
For my graphic design work, I hired a pro designer. Trying to do it all WASTES TIME.
2. Develop your mindset and discipline.
Remember that you are better than your circumstances. Farrah Grey grew up in the poverty ridden projects of
Develop your habits and constantly feed your mind by listening to business podcasts, reading articles to help you grow and learning from experts. If you need help finding REALLY good content, my ENTIRE catalog of SHIFT magazines are FREE to read here: LINK
You can learn from Navy SEALs, best selling authors, and the best coaches IN INDUSTRY for free!
3. Upgrade everything.
Challenge yourself to work at your best level. Start distancing yourself from negative friends and people that complain all the time. Hire someone to make you branded graphics and SHOWCASE YOUR EXPERTISE in something.
Read Limitless and realize that your ONLY roadblocks in life are in your mind.
Your life, your relationships, your residence, your income and your job are ALL results from your choices. So make it a habit to think about DIRECT and CONCENTRATED actions to make better choices. Sorry to get all Matrix on you but its true.
If I didn’t imagine a better life for myself, I would STILL
be in Eureka , probably
working in a bowling alley, fat and lonely, wishing something would happen.
Your life doesn’t change until you commit to DOING
SOMETHING. Not next week, not sometime, not as a stupid New Year’s Resolution.
I don’t wait till Jan to make a commitment to lose weight, I train just as hard
in June as I do in Jan. Its about TAKING ACTION.
*Hire a coach to help you “see” blind spots
*Ask for feedback about yourself and what you should be doing
*Hire a coach to help you “see” blind spots
*Ask for feedback about yourself and what you should be doing
*Look past my internal fears and realize that YOU CAN HELP
SOMEONE END THEIR PAIN. That alone should inspire you to action
*Create a schedule and a plan for EVERY week and stick to it
*On paper, write out your best future self and start journaling (this is a GREAT guide for how to do it: LINK )
*Create balance. Incorporate fitness, family, nutrition, fun, and REWARDS into your venture
In closing, remember three things:
1. You’re smarter than you have ever let yourself believe.
2. The only people that will judge you are the ones that NEVER achieve.
3. Your mind will either keep you paralyzed with fear, constantly being caught in the false web of safety OR you can develop it to create your HIGHEST levels of performance and optimism.
Your consciousness controls your mind, your mind controls your body but YOU control your consciousness. I know it sounds very Dr. Strange, but once I realized this concept, things started working out. REALLY WELL.
Need help finding your path? Find me at www.yournextlevelofsuccess.com. Lets talk. – Rob the Warrior Strategist.
*On paper, write out your best future self and start journaling (this is a GREAT guide for how to do it: LINK )
*Create balance. Incorporate fitness, family, nutrition, fun, and REWARDS into your venture
In closing, remember three things:
1. You’re smarter than you have ever let yourself believe.
2. The only people that will judge you are the ones that NEVER achieve.
3. Your mind will either keep you paralyzed with fear, constantly being caught in the false web of safety OR you can develop it to create your HIGHEST levels of performance and optimism.
Your consciousness controls your mind, your mind controls your body but YOU control your consciousness. I know it sounds very Dr. Strange, but once I realized this concept, things started working out. REALLY WELL.
Need help finding your path? Find me at www.yournextlevelofsuccess.com. Lets talk. – Rob the Warrior Strategist.
Powerful and spot on!