This blog post is going to bother a few people.
As I started to grow in business popularity, I started realizing that certain toxic people had infiltrated my network and life like weeds. Certain behaviors ran unchecked and it got a little out of hand.
Ok, a LOT out of hand. This year, I said "ENOUGH" and realized a basic equation:
Toxic behaviors create more negative effects than any positivity I may gain from knowing this person.
The next thing that happened was TWO major coaches in my life BOTH gave me the same advice on the same day unknowingly. "Rob you are at a new stage in life, its time to constantly curate your network."
POOF> The Purge had begun.
I started making people disappear. Some of them were quite rich and successful. That didn't matter. My network ran better minus their presence. It freed up space to only be around people that want to help me grow and life was good again.
Here are the five worst offenders:
The Great Debater - This person will spend HOURS debating everyone and refuses to listen to any other point of view but their own. They are insulting, condescending and create misery for anyone that dares disagree with them.
The Contrarian - The contrarian LIVES to disagree. I could write a post about nearly ANYTHING and at least one idiot will pop up with some argument citing an obscure example that refutes what I said. "THATS NOT TRUE, MY COUSIN SAW A DOCUMENTARY THAT SAID HITLER'S DOG WAS A COLLIE."
The Zealot - The zealot LIVES to support their position in politics or religion and is an annoying ass about it. Their viewpoint is the right one EVERY TIME. Their political party will be the salvation of the earth. Their religion is the "right" religion and everyone else is a bunch of hell bound Godless heathens.
The Lone Wolf - The lone wolf took awhile to identify. This is the business owner who NEVER PROMOTES ANYONE ELSE. Their world is EXCLUSIVELY about their brand, their achievements and they never actually try and make friends with anyone they can't sell to. I finally had enough of this self absorbed bullshit.
Ill bet as you read this, you know at least three of these people that slithered their way into your friends list or your Linkedin.
Get rid of them. TODAY. You owe them nothing, not even an explanation. Trust me on this one.
See you next week! - Rob the Warrior Strategist

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