Dr. Rob Garcia, The Warrior Strategist

Dr. Rob Garcia, The Warrior Strategist
Powerful Life and Business Strategies

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Shane Gillis and the Death of Comedy

"Hell Yeah"
Its every young comedian's dream. After years of sleeping on couches, playing small gigs, making connections and often being broke, the phone rings.

"Welcome to Saturday Night Live"

What should have been Shane Gillis' greatest professional victory as a comic quickly devolved into a shitstorm of fake outrage, dogpiling (shoutout Riggins, shoutout Finnegan), and every SJW in the country taking cheap shots.

Once the SNL news broke, a failed comic and self proclaimed "journalist" (ie: Lyft driver with a Twitter account) immediately sent out clips of Shane having convos with his buddy Matt.

Shane has a history of being edgy. He likes to toe the line and get people to a very awkward place and hes very good at it.

You know, like Lenny Bruce, George Carlin, Dave Chappelle, Richard Pryor. The greats.

Comedy is about having the freedom to observe things in our society and offer our take on it. We dont have to like it or agree, but being American means we have the freedom to say it. Its why I have left this country 14 times to go to foreign soil.

Fun fact: I came back from my combat support in the Middle East last year. I had lost my mom to cancer halfway through. I reached out to Shane and he had a great talk with me and was very supportive. Another guy wrote to me and had Stage 4 cancer. Shane counseled him too and gave him hope. But I guess those things dont make headlines for CNN/Vice/Vulture/TheAtlantic.

I would never want to live in a society where someone can organize an online digital snitch squad and get you fired from the most famous comedy show in history.

Comedians talk about race. Paul Mooney has been talking about white people for 40 years. Dave Chappelle and Carlos Mencia do racial voices, accents and stereotypes in their act. How many African Americans have a "white people sound like this" segment? Quite a few.

This is their right. If you dont like their comedy, don't watch it. But don't pretend you are fighting racism by hiding behind your keyboard. Half ass convictions and actions are meaningless.

Once we succumb to SJWs, we get a step closer to mandated censorship and tyranny.

You know, when you read about girls in Afghanistan getting acid thrown in their face for going to school, or Saudi Arabia beating women for wearing makeup.

Do I agree with everything Shane says? Of course not. Do I think hes one of the most talented comedians I have EVER heard? Yes. Do I think he's a racist? Not at all. He's a goofy dude from Pennsylvania that's poking fun at modern culture from a "white trash from Mechanicsburg" perspective.

Grow up SJWs. Find something more constructive to do than stifling a talented young bull.

Make America Smart Again. - Rob

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Four Things Entrepreneurs Should NEVER Do....

Hey guys, its been awhile since I have blogged but with the current proliferation of "fake experts" and reptilian gurus and influencers creeping out of the woodwork, I wanted to point out a few practices that you should NEVER do, even if tempted.

As an entrepreneur you have a responsibility to be ethical in your industry. You only get ONE chance to build trust. Once you lie, cheat or ruin your business reputation, you're pretty much done. Dont give in to a bad decision even if its urgent.

1. Lying About Your Skillset

Apparently there are a lot of "experts" out there with the unicornish "6 and 7 figure blueprint"

The funniest part of my day is Google searching half the people I see advertising this crap and it blows my mind how many of them have zero presence. My Linkedin inbox is another hilarious source of overinflated egos and quick buck artists. I checked out the last two people that pitched me numerous times and once I saw they had been in business for less than a year, I was done. It takes time to be an expert. If you have no idea how to do something, you are COMMITTING FRAUD if you charge for it.

2. Pitching Strangers Online 

My god, when did THIS become a thing? I pop on Linkedin, and my inbox is FULL of overnight experts who I have never talked to, trying to make an immediate sale. When I ignore them, they keep auto messaging me. Over. And OVER. This is NOT the way to get new clients or leads.

3. Poaching Clients 

This happened to a buddy of mine in San Diego recently and it sucks. Now dont get me wrong, we are in a competitive marketplace but there are certain things you shouldnt do. Many times people will come to me for PR help or getting on podcasts. I am more of a "blue ocean" thinker and will always give them what they need, not what they think they need. So if their best interest is served by a morning news appearance, I let them know that Lori Mcneil is the consummate pro for that service. If they need branding, I steer them IMMEDIATELY to Desislava Dobreva's course. Poaching is when you slander another entrepreneur and steal a sale immediately like human garbage. Its bad karma and people WILL find out. 

4. Plagiarizing Content

There is no better way to be hated in business than to steal someone's work. Yet it happens ALL THE TIME. I long for the day someone tries this shit with me. The first thing Ill do is get screenshots and dates. Then Id reach out to them, demand they admit it publicly and apologize. If they refuse I would put them on BLAST and not quietly either. My work is far too brilliant to be lifted by some talentless hack. 

I wish a bitch would. 

Thursday, April 11, 2019

The Five Personality Types That Are KILLING Your Network

Happy Thursday everyone! Its that time again.

This blog post is going to bother a few people.

As I started to grow in business popularity, I started realizing that certain toxic people had infiltrated my network and life like weeds. Certain behaviors ran unchecked and it got a little out of hand.

Ok, a LOT out of hand. This year, I said "ENOUGH" and realized a basic equation:

Toxic behaviors create more negative effects than any positivity I may gain from knowing this person.

The next thing that happened was TWO major coaches in my life BOTH gave me the same advice on the same day unknowingly. "Rob you are at a new stage in life, its time to constantly curate your network."

POOF> The Purge had begun.

I started making people disappear. Some of them were quite rich and successful. That didn't matter. My network ran better minus their presence. It freed up space to only be around people that want to help me grow and life was good again.

Here are the five worst offenders:

The Great Debater - This person will spend HOURS debating everyone and refuses to listen to any other point of view but their own. They are insulting, condescending and create misery for anyone that dares disagree with them.

The Contrarian - The contrarian LIVES to disagree. I could write a post about nearly ANYTHING and at least one idiot will pop up with some argument citing an obscure example that refutes what I said. "THATS NOT TRUE, MY COUSIN SAW A DOCUMENTARY THAT SAID HITLER'S DOG WAS A COLLIE."

The Zealot - The zealot LIVES to support their position in politics or religion and is an annoying ass about it. Their viewpoint is the right one EVERY TIME. Their political party will be the salvation of the earth. Their religion is the "right" religion and everyone else is a bunch of hell bound Godless heathens.

The Lunatic - The lunatic is completely self absorbed and does very odd "behind the scenes" behavior. They will spend hours reviewing your social media, leaving you screaming voicemails about how you are going to ruin your brand, constantly monitoring you until you block their ass and even then will go out of their way to badmouth you to other business owners.

The Lone Wolf - The lone wolf took awhile to identify. This is the business owner who NEVER PROMOTES ANYONE ELSE. Their world is EXCLUSIVELY about their brand, their achievements and they never actually try and make friends with anyone they can't sell to. I finally had enough of this self absorbed bullshit.

Ill bet as you read this, you know at least three of these people that slithered their way into your friends list or your Linkedin.

Get rid of them. TODAY. You owe them nothing, not even an explanation. Trust me on this one.

See you next week! - Rob the Warrior Strategist

Did you know that I have a Youtube channel? Feel free to check out 
and subscribe. Its got business tips, resources and tactics! 


Thursday, March 21, 2019

You Dont Need SEO or FB Ads.....You Need.....................

This post will lose me a few friends.

I'm ok with that. As a strategist, my job is to tell you guys what works in the field. Sometimes you need to take an unpopular position in order to advance your cause and clients.

I see a lot of business owners taking the "lowest hanging fruit" approach to getting exposure. They hire an SEO "expert" for Google placement and then spend hundreds or thousands in FB ads that get them a few sales and website visits.

This is a TERRIBLE early stage strategy.

You don't have an audience built yet. No one knows who you are. Its the reason why I went YEARS creating business Ebooks and having zero sales. I did FB ads. None of it mattered.

SEO and FB ads are WORTHLESS until you have an audience. 

Read that again. It might save you THOUSANDS of dollars.

The better strategy is audience building actions so that when people DO see you in FB ads and look you up on Google, they already know you. This creates familiarity and trust.

By now I know a few of you are white knuckling and probably saying a few choice words my direction. I'm ok with that. Try this strategy instead:


SEO does have a strategic purpose, but its LATER in the game, not right out the gate. FB ads are also effective but NOT for unknowns.

1. Build audience first
2. Get high end engagement
3. Enact SEO and FB ad strategy (my recommendation is Patrick Burt for SEO, guy is a rock star)

Patrick Burt contact info: LINK

To find out more about how to build your audience, check out Tactical CEQ, my course on building celebrity business experts. Our next class is in 4 weeks. For 6 weeks, I teach you how to conduct better social media, recruit influencers to promote you, get media appearances, and MUCH MORE.

Here is the curriculum:

To get on the list for our next group course, email me to set up your FREE call to see if its a good fit.

Thats it for this week.

Have you checked out the Warrior Strategist YT channel yet? TONS of high value business training.


Friday, March 15, 2019

Why I Walked Away From the "Gurus"

I've always loved the idea of the superstars of entrepreneurship and coaching. The rock stars. The rags to riches stories.

But in the last 3 years, I have taken a hard pass on many of the biggest names out there.
I became disillusioned by several slithery behaviors that really turned me off from many of them.

*The overnight success story that lied about her launch income, fabricated stories about her "million dollar company" and has PAGES of complaints about how bad her program is. Her solution? To block anyone that dares question her

*The guy that started with 12 dating sites filled with bots and set it up so there was zero customer service and no way to get a refund once you paid with a credit card. Took this initial cash influx to rent a mansion and shoot the most hated video on Youtube. Completely focused on "lifestyle marketing" and I have yet to see ONE PERSON that has bought his program and been successful

*Hosts events all over the world and pays to have big names associated with him. The event is a high pressure sale fest and once people buy, they are pressured to purchase a more expensive upsell with VERY poorly produced content and materials. The biggest red flag is that this guy HIRED SOMEONE to monitor Reddit and deletes or argue with anyone that writes anything bad about him

I had both Gary V and Grant C on my Facebook but to be honest, I didnt need 193 selfies a week in my feed with poorly thought out "inspirational quotes" that look like they were crafted by a 3rd grader.

Gary's book was SURPRISINGLY good. Grant's was wonderfully mediocre.

I'm not saying that these guys aren't good at what they do, I just need higher level thinkers in my world.

So for the past 3 years, I have taken a sabbatical from the gurus. I havent bought ANYTHING from them. I have instead learned from the next generation of entrepreneurs I have been lucky enough to meet and get to know. I have invested in several of them, supported them, used them as examples during speaking gigs and more.

Desislava Dobreva - Branding

Jillian Sandoval - Spiritual Based Business Coaching

Chris Burns - High Energy Coaching

Chris Hoffman - Time Management and Productivity

Kyree Oliver - Business Strategies and Writing Expert

Richard Kaufman - Inspirational Coaching and Resilience Expert

Tucker Bearden - Meaningful Life Impact Coach and Speaker

Marshal Gillen - Storytelling Expert and Visibility Pro

Patrick Kirby - NonProfit Training Expert

I'm sure there are high end gurus out there that still have the ability to create change in people's lives. But for now, I feel like they aren't strong enough to lead me. Everything feels like a cash grab with no real intent of impact. So for now, Ill focus on the people above that are out doing REAL THINGS for people. - Rob

Did you get a chance to check out my Youtube channel yet?
I have a TON of great business resources to help you in business like this one that teaches diagramming. (click on the pic to watch)


Thursday, February 28, 2019

4 VERY Powerful Media Coverage Techniques

So last night I may have lost it a little.

I was having a salacious night of guzzling fancy boxed wine and did a Facebook Live that went WAY past free content level.

I went into paid client level. A cardinal sin in my industry. Because my content is categorized in four tiers.

And DAMNED if I didnt go into Gold Tier.

So you lucked out. You learn the things I teach paying clients. The ways that I secured 70+ media interviews plus some REALLY inside stuff.

Its time to realize that media has changed. Steve Olsner summed it up best:

TV - Youtube
Radio - Podcasts
Newspapers - Blogs

Adapt to the digital age and CONQUER. There are TONS of new ways to get coverage at little or NO cost.

Enjoy this info, seriously this is about $1000 worth of training, resources, and guidance.

And its yours free.


Pinkies Out, Bitches. We Fancy. 

Need MORE Warrior Strategist? More media, MORE SALES, MORE INCOME? 

Check out my Youtube Channel full of amazing business tactics and fun! 

Watch it HERE: Rob the Warrior Strategist Youtube Channel

Sunday, February 17, 2019

How to Restore Your Entrepreneurial Self Esteem

How are you?

Its the Warrior Strategist! Its been a few weeks since I have blogged. As a commitment to helping people, I am focusing on writing new content that REALLY impacts my audience.

Today Ill be talking about your self esteem.

We are a tough breed. We choose to take risks, create the life of our dreams, and endure YEARS of ridicule, judgement, and shit talking from family, spouses and peers.

It takes a toll.

"Why don't you get a day job, your little hobby isn't that profitable"

"Just quit, you aren't cut out for this"

"That's a stupid idea, no one cares"

Ever hear any of these gems? For me, its CONSTANT. Even after cutting out a lot of shitty people.

Your self esteem is important. Its how you show up. Its how you present yourself to your audience. Here is how you can build yourself up when you DON'T feel your best.

1. Eliminate negative self talk - Dont call yourself names and don't let negative phrases circulate internally. Life Coach Sara Cruz told me a really good technique. She identifies these phrases when they appear and says out loud, "Not Useful." I LOVE THIS.

Sara Cruz Facebook: LINK
if you need AMAZING marketing 
research or a life changing coach.
Sara Cruz is a freaking moon goddess. 

2. Spend more time with positive people - We all have Tiggers and Eeyors.

I only associate with Tiggers. The people that are as excited about my business as I am .
When you surround yourself with whiners and complainers, they start to seep into your soul and infect you. Dont let them.

3. Adopt a fitness routine - Fitness leads to higher self perception, better energy, more aesthetically pleasing photos and better sex. Why WOULDNT you want all this? Even if its something small like walking your dog three times a week, commit to regular exercise or gym visits and watch your self esteem rise.

Remember to take care of yourself, pay attention to how you perceive your business and your efforts. Love yourself and remember to celebrate all you have done.

Till next time - Rob the Warrior Strategist
You were put here to win. NEVER forget that.

Did you know I have a Youtube channel
devoted to business strategies, income and life mastery?

Monday, January 14, 2019

How Influencer Marshal Gillen Took Over San Diego!!

For all entrepreneurs, visibility is what we crave to reach our highest levels of success. This is the story of how one motivated guy put himself on the map.

I have been an entrepreneur for 14 years, 3 of them full time. I see a LOT of cocky, arrogant, "fake experts" offering me the "six figure blueprint" that always seems to lead to a Clickfunnels upsell.

But one day, I caught a Facebook Live. Some guy that was in good shape with a really high amount of energy was teaching how to maximize engagement between groups and your personal feed on FB.

There was something different about this guy. He was friendly, wasn't trying to sell anything, and he genuinely CARED about his audience and helping them find success.

His name? Marshal Gillen.

Marshal was interesting. He had moved to SD from the midwest because he knew that his destiny was far greater than his environment and upbringing.

That sounds familiar.

Marshal was working in a bar but knew that he had more to offer people. So one day he went live in Facebook and elbowed his way to the front of the line digitally. That was a few years ago.

A week ago, I attended Marshal's second event. It was PACKED.

Understand something. Marshal is now ESTABLISHED> He has high level influencers like Sami Drissi and Stephen DeLa Cruz going to his events and has built a VERY sizable global audience.

So how does this happen? How does an unknown go to a completely new city and make themself famous in their industry? Here is the Warrior Strategist Breakdown:

1. Consistency - Marshal goes live OFTEN and teaches really engaging and useful content that you can implement IMMEDIATELY

2. Energy - Marshal is VERY high energy with that goofy, young guy "I still have hope" flicker in his eyes and a big smile. He's fun to watch and you can see in his body language that he LOVES what he does.

3. Approachability - Marshal moved to a huge apartment in downtown San Diego, has clients around the globe but is still that guy that will come over to your house to play video games and drink your beer (You owe me a sixer of Coors Light, Gillen)

4. High Level Branding - Marshal made himself his brand. He acts like a celebrity, has a healthy amount of humility and is a great promoter for himself and others.

If you need help getting yourself on the map, reach out to Marshal. I'm VERY glad I did. - Rob the Warrior Strategist

Marshal's FB: LINK